Sunday 15 November 2009

Accelerated Learning is Whole Brain Learning

Hi there

If I had to give another definition of accelerated learning it would be whole brain learning. You see traditional forms of learning have been predominantly based in activities that are very left brain focused.

So when you start to use the right brain whilst it may feel awkward to start with, the brain will start to feel a sense of relief as you align learning with it. Learning will start to feel easy and less of a burden as you use you whole brain and not a part. Accelerated learning corrects the imbalance between left and right brain learning hence why it is called whole brain learning.

Many people tell me it feels strange doing mind maps to start with and they have an anxiety that they will lose information. However with practice you come to realise that a key words and pictures replace a lot of what I call link words and learning becomes easier with practice.

Mind maps mimic the brain cells and the way they communicate. Take a look at this picture of a brain cell.

Wonderful and incredible isn't it. But notice how each cell is connected to others by numerous strands. Neurons are the connecting pathways and you can see the connection of this picture to mind mapping.

This is how cells communciate with each other and when you mind map you are mirroring the way the brain communciates. So these skills are worth their weight in gold. Tomorrow I shall review some right brain learning as applied to forensic science.

To your success


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