Tuesday 3 November 2009

What Has Relaxation Got To Do With Accelerated Learning

Hi there

I have just returned from a few days away on a combat training course with personal development weaved into the mix. The British Combat Association run these courses yearly. I was once again struck by the comment and reminded about how the state of relaxation produces the most powerful moves in combat training and its the same for learning performance.

In fact if you want to know what a relaxed aware state looks like in the brain here is a picture

What you are observing is the alpha wave brain state which is known as the relaxed aware state and the super learning state. This is the state of the brain that is most conducive to allowing information to be absorbed rather than leaked.

Most people miss this out and are losing over 60% of their learning in the process. Accelerated learning can take place when we get into the alpha brain wave state. More about this tomorrow but for now just remember that it is important to approach learning in a relaxed state and there are exercises that can help you enter into that state.

The most obvious one that has no cost attached is breathing technique - the art of slowing your breathing down and taking longer deep breaths. Slowing down and breathing from the diaphragm will have a calming and relaxing impact. Breathing technique is often neglected because we do not breathe consciously.

Practise slowing your breathing down to retrain your muscles and physiology to serve you and not the other way round

To Your Success

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