Thursday 29 October 2009

How Does Accelerated Learning Speed Up The Learning Process?

Hi there

The reason why accelerated learning speeds up the learning process is quite simply because it engages the whole brain in learning.

Traditionally learning in the classroom has been very left brain dominant. The left brain is concerned with logical, analytical functions and reasoning. Linguistics and maths draw very much on the left brain. A lot of exams are still very much left brain focussed.

The right brain is concerned with the more creative functions and activities that require role play, drawing, involve music and intuition are common expressions draw on the right brain.

Whole brain learning draws on both sides of the brain as the term suggests and when the whole brain is used learning performance accelerates.

In the UK not more than 12% of schools and organisations incorporate accelerated learning in their training and teaching hence my mission to redesign training content and learning content accordingly.

So on that note think of ways you can use apply whole brain learning for a better and more enjoyable learning experience.

To Your Success


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