Thursday 29 October 2009

How Does Accelerated Learning Speed Up The Learning Process?

Hi there

The reason why accelerated learning speeds up the learning process is quite simply because it engages the whole brain in learning.

Traditionally learning in the classroom has been very left brain dominant. The left brain is concerned with logical, analytical functions and reasoning. Linguistics and maths draw very much on the left brain. A lot of exams are still very much left brain focussed.

The right brain is concerned with the more creative functions and activities that require role play, drawing, involve music and intuition are common expressions draw on the right brain.

Whole brain learning draws on both sides of the brain as the term suggests and when the whole brain is used learning performance accelerates.

In the UK not more than 12% of schools and organisations incorporate accelerated learning in their training and teaching hence my mission to redesign training content and learning content accordingly.

So on that note think of ways you can use apply whole brain learning for a better and more enjoyable learning experience.

To Your Success


Wednesday 28 October 2009

Accelerated Learning Has Changed This Community

Hi there

I thought I would show you a clip today of how one country has taken accelerated learning to the community and made a difference in the lives of those who could not read or write, both old and young.

By far the most important impact when applying accelerated learning is to watch the impact on self-esteem and confidence because these are the two most reported areas commonly affected when learning feels difficult or inaccessible

It is very uplifting to watch the impact that accelerated learning has on confidence and self-esteem in this community and it should inspire you to know that anyone can learn fast irrespective of their background or status.

The video also really depicts how powerful accelerated learning has become for this community and how it is changing lives, and rebuilding self-esteem and confidence.

The community shown in this video also gives vital clues as to how their teaching is different from traditional teaching. If self-esteem and confidence are issues for you where learning is concerned then this video will show you how accelerated learning can change that.

Enjoy this humbling yet powerful experience!!

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Traditional Learning v Accelerated Learning

Hi there

I often go into companies and when reviewing their training content will see traditional forms of presentation. To give you an idea lets have a look at a simple index for a topic on goal setting which might look something like this:-

Goal Setting

1. The Purpose of Goal Setting
- why?
- benefits?

2. The Definition of Goal Setting
- what it is and isn't
- written goals

3. Why Goals Can Fail
- non aligned
- non belief
- lack of system
- conflict in values
- inappropriate timescales

4. The Ingredient of A Powerful Goal
- emotion
- current
- process
- specific

5. How to Achieve Your Goals
- ownership
- belief
- steps
- resources
- help
- system

Now nothing wrong with the above as it gives an overview of what is to come on goal setting. However research has discovered that we only remember 20% of what we read by text alone.

Now compare the above index on goal setting with the mind map below which represents the same thing differently:-

Let me ask you at a glance which one would you rather read. The text version or the mind map version? Which one is more appealing. Not only is the index in the mind map but the presentation format is in there. The research on information being presented in a multisensory way and how it accelerates learning is compelling.

The mind map indicates that the information is presented in podcast and video tutorials with games/quizzes to add the fun element into learning. This mind map is not exhaustive and no doubt could be improved but hopefully it gives you an idea of how training when presented in different formats and with fun games makes learning appealing and fun which in turn can improve learning performance five times over.

You have another example also for the use of a mind map. Technology has now made it possible to learn online. It is called e-learning. What e-learning does is to extend the classroom so that people can learn in the comfort of their homes and in a variety of deifferent formats.

I revised my coaching qualification off 12 mind maps which covered 12 sections. yes accelerated learning can be applied to any subject such as coaching. People are more likely to enjoy learning and perform better when accelerated learning is incorporated.

To Your Success

Monday 26 October 2009

The Myths About Accelerated Learning

Hi there

A question I get asked often by those who know a little about accelerated learning is whether accelerated learning is mind mapping? Mind mapping is a brainstorming and information collating technique that is used as part of the process of accelerated learning. It is important to emphasise that accelerated learning is more than a technique or two.

It is a systematic process that involves techniques. Mind mapping is one of several techniques used. For those of you new to mind mapping here is an example of a mind map. Mind maps are sometimes referred to as spider diagrams and you will see why from the diagram below.

More about mind maps and where they fit into the accelerated learning cycle will follow later. In the next blog I will compare a traditional presentation of information with one that incorporates accelerated learning. It will provide a sample of what I do when I redesign training programmes to incorporate accelerated learning principles so that people can learn faster with more confidence and better results.

To Your Success
Anita Narayan

Sunday 25 October 2009

The Evidence For Accelerated Learning

There is a growing body of evidence for accelerated learning that shows that when the accelerated learning cycle is applied to learning, exam results and learning performance are greatly increased.

Now as with anything the question always arises as to whether the evidence cited is real. Well I guess you can ask that of anything. However the main proponents of accelerated learning have been collecting data in an ongoing manner from the companies and organisations they have used this with and documented them.

Dr Jeannete Vos in her book The Learning Revolution cites several examples of superior learning performance in companies such as Kodak where accelereated learning has been applied. The Learning Revolution has been one of the fastest selling non fiction books selling over 10 million copies in China alone.

China is a fast growing economy and if they have latched on to this powerful information then we should all sit up and listen. The Learning Revolution is a compendium of theory, case studies and applied accelerated learning for career development and economic growth so it is more than just a theoretical textbook.

It is more a bible of reference which captures the purpose of accelerated learning and roadmaps the learning process from a young age to applications to life and economic growth.

In my own experience of teaching accelerated learning I have witnessed someone passing exams who could never pass exams before because he got so anxious. Also of delight was seeing a pupil going for his chosen career with more confidence because he finally got it about how easy it was to learn. A previous colleague of mine used one of the techniques to perform better in her chosen sport - accelerated learning applied.

I leave you with a short clip from Colin Rose who captures the difference and why accelerated learning is a smart choice.

Saturday 24 October 2009

Accelerated Learning Cycle

Hi there

A question I get asked often is what is the accelerated learning cycle and how does it make a difference to learning. The accelerated learning cycle is simply the process of learning you go through in order to master a subject.

Traditionally at school we are taught subjects as opposed to being taught how to learn. There is a big difference and when you know how to learn you can apply this to any subject and learn faster whilst having fun. What's more you can apply accelereated learning for better exam results and witness the difference.

Proponents of the learning cycle include teachers such as Colin Rose, David Meier and Dr Jeanette Vos. Here is the learning cycle as I depict it in my course. Others use different angles

The six stages are depicted by the acronym ASSETT which is my way of conveying that when you become a skilled learning it really does increase your asset worth. The letters stand for:-

Time to Reflect

When you master these stages it will make a phenomenal difference to your learning performance. And you will definitely need accelerated learning for better exam results which is the yardstick by which most learning is measured rightly or wrongly so. It is a fact of life.

Tomorrow I will show you a video where exam results were compared across to groups, those who applied accelerated learning and those who did not.

To Your Success
Anita Narayan

Friday 23 October 2009

Accelerated Learning For Career Development

Hi there

My name is Anita Narayan and a warm welcome to this blog where I will discuss the benefits of accelerated learning for career development and how this will set you apart when you develop the skill set for yourself. Its fun and easy and all of the people I have coached on this topic wish they had been taught this earlier. At the same time they have been excited about the many possibilities that lie ahead as a result of the new found belief and confidence.

We live in a time where those who navigate the recession successfully will be those who amongst other things who have mastered this skill set. I am just putting the finishing touches on a free ecourse that will give you insight into how you can use accelerated learning for career development no matter what stage you are at in your career. Stay tuned!

You may still be at school sitting exams as part of the process of developing towards your chosen career or you may be wishing to gain promotion or even consider a new career or business opportunity. Whatever the case this information equips you across the board. So many people find learning stressful and it does not have to be.

In the next post I will introduce you to the accelerated learning cycle. This is the foundation for all that follows. The accelerated learning cycle is simply the process that teaches you how to learn. Stay tuned and see you in the next post.

To Your Success

Anita Narayan