Tuesday 27 October 2009

Traditional Learning v Accelerated Learning

Hi there

I often go into companies and when reviewing their training content will see traditional forms of presentation. To give you an idea lets have a look at a simple index for a topic on goal setting which might look something like this:-

Goal Setting

1. The Purpose of Goal Setting
- why?
- benefits?

2. The Definition of Goal Setting
- what it is and isn't
- written goals

3. Why Goals Can Fail
- non aligned
- non belief
- lack of system
- conflict in values
- inappropriate timescales

4. The Ingredient of A Powerful Goal
- emotion
- current
- process
- specific

5. How to Achieve Your Goals
- ownership
- belief
- steps
- resources
- help
- system

Now nothing wrong with the above as it gives an overview of what is to come on goal setting. However research has discovered that we only remember 20% of what we read by text alone.

Now compare the above index on goal setting with the mind map below which represents the same thing differently:-

Let me ask you at a glance which one would you rather read. The text version or the mind map version? Which one is more appealing. Not only is the index in the mind map but the presentation format is in there. The research on information being presented in a multisensory way and how it accelerates learning is compelling.

The mind map indicates that the information is presented in podcast and video tutorials with games/quizzes to add the fun element into learning. This mind map is not exhaustive and no doubt could be improved but hopefully it gives you an idea of how training when presented in different formats and with fun games makes learning appealing and fun which in turn can improve learning performance five times over.

You have another example also for the use of a mind map. Technology has now made it possible to learn online. It is called e-learning. What e-learning does is to extend the classroom so that people can learn in the comfort of their homes and in a variety of deifferent formats.

I revised my coaching qualification off 12 mind maps which covered 12 sections. yes accelerated learning can be applied to any subject such as coaching. People are more likely to enjoy learning and perform better when accelerated learning is incorporated.

To Your Success

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