Monday 26 October 2009

The Myths About Accelerated Learning

Hi there

A question I get asked often by those who know a little about accelerated learning is whether accelerated learning is mind mapping? Mind mapping is a brainstorming and information collating technique that is used as part of the process of accelerated learning. It is important to emphasise that accelerated learning is more than a technique or two.

It is a systematic process that involves techniques. Mind mapping is one of several techniques used. For those of you new to mind mapping here is an example of a mind map. Mind maps are sometimes referred to as spider diagrams and you will see why from the diagram below.

More about mind maps and where they fit into the accelerated learning cycle will follow later. In the next blog I will compare a traditional presentation of information with one that incorporates accelerated learning. It will provide a sample of what I do when I redesign training programmes to incorporate accelerated learning principles so that people can learn faster with more confidence and better results.

To Your Success
Anita Narayan

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