Sunday 25 October 2009

The Evidence For Accelerated Learning

There is a growing body of evidence for accelerated learning that shows that when the accelerated learning cycle is applied to learning, exam results and learning performance are greatly increased.

Now as with anything the question always arises as to whether the evidence cited is real. Well I guess you can ask that of anything. However the main proponents of accelerated learning have been collecting data in an ongoing manner from the companies and organisations they have used this with and documented them.

Dr Jeannete Vos in her book The Learning Revolution cites several examples of superior learning performance in companies such as Kodak where accelereated learning has been applied. The Learning Revolution has been one of the fastest selling non fiction books selling over 10 million copies in China alone.

China is a fast growing economy and if they have latched on to this powerful information then we should all sit up and listen. The Learning Revolution is a compendium of theory, case studies and applied accelerated learning for career development and economic growth so it is more than just a theoretical textbook.

It is more a bible of reference which captures the purpose of accelerated learning and roadmaps the learning process from a young age to applications to life and economic growth.

In my own experience of teaching accelerated learning I have witnessed someone passing exams who could never pass exams before because he got so anxious. Also of delight was seeing a pupil going for his chosen career with more confidence because he finally got it about how easy it was to learn. A previous colleague of mine used one of the techniques to perform better in her chosen sport - accelerated learning applied.

I leave you with a short clip from Colin Rose who captures the difference and why accelerated learning is a smart choice.


  1. Interested in both life and business coaching, life coaching can help me to search for personal fulfillment, career coaching at work can enhance my skill sets, expand my potential and effectiveness. Like a recent film ''The YES Movie'' interviewed some top peak performance mentors.

  2. Thank you for your comment and I agree with you about the benefits of coaching in both life and career
