Saturday 24 October 2009

Accelerated Learning Cycle

Hi there

A question I get asked often is what is the accelerated learning cycle and how does it make a difference to learning. The accelerated learning cycle is simply the process of learning you go through in order to master a subject.

Traditionally at school we are taught subjects as opposed to being taught how to learn. There is a big difference and when you know how to learn you can apply this to any subject and learn faster whilst having fun. What's more you can apply accelereated learning for better exam results and witness the difference.

Proponents of the learning cycle include teachers such as Colin Rose, David Meier and Dr Jeanette Vos. Here is the learning cycle as I depict it in my course. Others use different angles

The six stages are depicted by the acronym ASSETT which is my way of conveying that when you become a skilled learning it really does increase your asset worth. The letters stand for:-

Time to Reflect

When you master these stages it will make a phenomenal difference to your learning performance. And you will definitely need accelerated learning for better exam results which is the yardstick by which most learning is measured rightly or wrongly so. It is a fact of life.

Tomorrow I will show you a video where exam results were compared across to groups, those who applied accelerated learning and those who did not.

To Your Success
Anita Narayan

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